If a water spins clockwise when it drains in the northern hemisphere, and water spins counterclockwise when it drains in the southern hemisphere...which way does it spin at the equator?
Have you ever thought what life would be like if your name was Anonymous? You'd get credit for everything nobody wanted credit for?
If you had x-ray vision, but closed your eyes, could you still see?
What do you say when someone says you're in denial, but you're not?
Why do they call it 2% milk, if its 2% fat, not milk?
Do siamese twins pay for one ticket or two tickets when they go to movies and concerts?
Do birds pee?
If you are born on February 29 of a leap year, when is your birthday?
When a male is elected president and his wife is called the First Lady. What would a lady's husband be called if she were elected president?
Can dogs have dog days?
Why does blow and suck mean the same thing when we describe something being crap?
Why do they call the clock where you punch your time card called a "time" clock? Aren't all clocks "time" clocks?
Does anyone actually kill two birds with one stone?
Why did Superman wear his briefs on the outside of his tights?
Why do people say heads up when you should duck?
Why do radio operators say "niner" instead of just "nine"?
Do dumped farmers get John Deere letters?
Do pigs pull ham strings?
On a telephone, why does ABC start on the number 2 and not 1?
Do sheep get static cling when they rub against one another?
Isn't it scary that the word "therapist" is the same as the words "the" and "rapist" put together?
Why do people, such as S.W.A.T or Seals wear the bulletproof vests where you can see them? Wouldn’t people aim for their head or crotch?
How come, in the Mini Wheat’s commercials, Sweets has a Brooklyn accent and Wheat’s has an English accent? They're attached at the back, wouldn't they have been raised in the same place?
Why do they put Canadian bacon on Hawaiian Pizza?
If our planet is inhabited with creatures made by God...is it possible that there's another planet inhabited with creatures made by the Devil?
If a table is propped up can it be propped down?
If shampoo comes in so many colors, why is the lather on
your head always white?
Is an alcoholic just a drunk that's scared of a hangover?
Seeing as cupid is so good at matchmaking, does he have a girlfriend?
If the police see some one committing a crime but are on there way to investigate a crime do they stop or go to the one they were on their way to?
What is the parking situation like at the Special Olympics?
Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?
Can't anybody who has a job go in the "employees only" doors at restaurants? Shouldn'’t they be more specific and say "employees of this place only"?
Why are you IN a movie, but your ON TV?
When you snap your fingers, does the sound occur when your middle finger releases from your thumb, or when your middle finger hits the palm of your hand?
If Sunday is the holy day of rest why do we have to get up early for church?
If you drink Pepsi at work in the Coke factory, will they fire you?
If the weather man says "it's a 50% chance of rain" does that mean he has no idea if its going to rain or not?
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